Life-Balance Program

Knowledge is power, learning is a superpower.

Tento program je určený pre každého, kto sa chce zapojiť do novej éry seba samého použitím najúčinnejších techník získaných z dlhoročných skúseností v tejto oblasti. Jadro tohto programu je založené na kombinácii starodávnej múdrosti a najnovšieho výskumu, ktorý vám ukáže, ako zrealizovať vaše sny rýchlejšie.
Náš život je založený na konkrétnych zákonoch, ako napríklad sú: výživa, psychológia, biomechanika, neuroveda, kvantová fyzika, biochémia, fyzické cvičenie a mnoho ďalších ... Aplikáciou top techník týchto zákonov do svojho života, meníte hru!

Life-balance programme will open new doors for you and your life… If you are really ready to make actions towards achieving your goals, this programme is the right choice!

Each action creates reaction, so this coaching will show you how to make a massive action in order to reaching your aim sooner…

Life-Balance Programme will save yourself from years of trial and errors as you discover the secrets to Tomas’ Life- Balance Programme Formula. You’ll learn that by applying the right knowledge, there is many options for you to fulfil any area of your life.

Begin with finding the right strategies and tools accessible to you and remain more centered so you get lasting results – health, career, personal growth, sport performance, personal life.

This programme will not only transform your life but it can also bring lot of positive shifts into people’s life around you as the new environment which you create is affecting others.

Based on our assessment, we can together discover your limiting beliefs which are holding you back in order to manifest your goals.When body, mind, emotions and energy are organised then you are getting your power back.

You are powerful, so expand and express it. It just up to you if you allow it or you will limit yourself by programmes inherited from your parents, society, friends or teachers. It is all about exploring who you really are at subconscious level, so you tap into new you, into true you, (Re-member) If not now, never. Take your action..

As the subconscious mind is very powerful operation system, getting you to know how is this mechanism works in your case can be life changing for you. We can then structure a plan of how to make your body, mind and energy to work in alignment so you can bring yourself into new way of living. You are a creator of your life, so all the progress is also related to the action and wisdom which we apply. Well directed thoughts filled with wisdom, metaphysical work and physical action will get you what you deserve.


Make decision, do you really want to live your life to the fullest?
Are you ready to experience new way of living?
Do you believe you can achieve anything you want?


If you respond YES to any of those questions, then get ready because this programme will get you to the new levels, and I mean to the levels that you did not even think about are possible… tune in and feel whether this is what you really want.

This programme is consisting many aspects that we can work on :

● How to boost and transform your health
● Carrier and direction in life
● Find your highest potential
● Create balanced body, mind and energy
● Get absolute clarity on the top goals for you in the next years
● Isolate and reframe limiting beliefs that have held you back
● Devise a plan of action to achieve your specific outcomes
● Finding your own passion and talents and much more


If you would like to bring new useful and very effective knowledge into your personal life, family environment, sport performance or health practice, this can be a life-changing experience for you.

Health Coaching

Spojením západnej a východnej medicíny do mojej praxe, môžete získať pomoc z rokov bolestivých, stresujúcich a nevyriešených zdravotných problémov.

Nutrition coaching

Väčšine zdravotných problémov môže predchádzať aj jedlo, ktoré jete. Buďte inteligentní, jedzte inteligentne. Zdravá strava môže byť riešením vašich zdravotných problémov, uvedomte si, že sme to, čo jeme.

Fitness Coaching

Balance Your Life focuses on a number of techniques and tools that are designed to bring more equilibrium (balance) in all aspects of life.


Špeciálne štruktúrovaný cvičebný program so zameraním na vaše ciele a konkrétne potreby, ktorý vám pomôže transformovať telo pomocou najnovšieho aplikovaného výskumu.

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